But we did manage to squeeze in time for the very much talked-about movie, Inception, with a few friends. It was a good movie. Very much worth getting my ass to the cinema for, so catch that if you haven't.
And what's getting us excited the past couple of days is our China trip in September. Our friends, Gloria, John and David should be joining us and we are really happy about that! Gloria and John used to live in Beijing and they are totally in love with it, so we are looking forward to loads of great food and sights. Plus I am really glad that I'll be taken off the role of being the lead 'communicator'. My mandarin is a disgrace, so yay to Gloria and John. And yay to David as well, greedy boys are always good to have around, especially when we are eating chinese :) So excited! excited! excited!
Oh and I just realised that we are going to see a couple of famous dead bodies in the next few months... Ho Chi Minh's in Hanoi and Mao's in Beijing. Pretty cool spooks!

And to get myself more excited about the trip, I am reading this...
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